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venerdì 30 ottobre 2020

Viaggio attraverso i Parchi Nazionali dell'Argentina: El Rey.

Created in 1948 with the aim of conserving a sector of the "cloud forest" or the "yungas" and the environments of transition between it and the mountain chaco, this protected area contains on its 44,162 hectares a very diverse biodiversity that is dispersed among its different environments, which are between 750 and 2,000 meters above sea level.

It has a tropical climate with average temperatures ranging between 22 and 25 ° C. Rainfall reaches 2000 mm annually.

El Rey National Park variety as an attraction.

The visitor will be able to find and contemplate five marked levels of different vegetation.
From below, specimens of horco quebracho, cochucho, atamisque and cardones, which assert the presence of the Chaco mountain forest, will be observed.
Above, the transition jungle with tipas and pacaraés marks the beginning of what will later become the montane jungle, which will exhibit specimens of cedar, tarco, tipa and walnut.
Already in the 800 meters, the jungle of the so-called mirtáceas is developed, where you will find the muddy stick, the alpamato, the mato, the chal-chal, and the güili.
Finally over 1,500 meters the pine communities of the hill, alder and queñoas are presented.

As the climate is warm and rainy, the mountains are covered by dense jungle.

The visitor will be able to find and contemplate five marked levels of different vegetation.

From below, specimens of horco quebracho, cochucho, atamisque and cardones, which assert the presence of the Chaco mountain forest, will be observed.
Above, the transition jungle with tipas and pacaraés marks the beginning of what will later become the montane jungle, which will exhibit specimens of cedar, tarco, tipa and walnut.
Already in the 800 meters, the jungle of the so-called mirtáceas is developed, where you will find the muddy stick, the alpamato, the mato, the chal-chal, and the güili. Finally over 1,500 meters the pine communities of the hill, alder and queñoas are presented.

There will also be a great profusion of different epiphytes, these are those plants that use another as a support, such as the tank bromeliad, the carnations of the air, and different species of orchids.

Diversity of flora and fauna.

The diversity of flora also makes possible a wide variety of animal species, since they are two ecoregions such as the Yungas and also chaco species characteristic of the latter, such as the red-legged chuña, the charata and the common woodpecker, and also brown corzuelas, peccaries and tapirs.
The lipped peccary mainly inhabits the abrupt gorges that present a dense low vegetation.
The brown roe deer is more easily found in the transition forest, while its close relative: the red roe deer is distributed along the jungle slopes to the high alder forests.
In the water courses you can see the river wolf and less frequently the mayuato.
We also find animals such as the fox and the elusive puma, the largest predator in the region. The fish fauna is represented by the native dorado, bogas, catfish and shad.
The tapir, also called "anta" is the emblem of the National Park.
This land mammal is considered the largest in South America, weighing up to 300 kg. It prefers aquatic environments where it feeds on aquatic plants and spends long hours immersed to protect itself from insects.

It is an excellent place for the interpretation of nature, highlighting the great variety of birds, mammals and insects within the framework offered by the great diversity of the Yungas jungle.


giovedì 15 ottobre 2020

Viaggio attraverso i Parchi Nazionali dell'Argentina: Copo.

Geographically, the Copo National Park is located on the border with the Chaco and is one of the most unexplored national parks in our country.
It is ideal for everyone who wants to hike. You cannot transit coin vehicles. There is no signal for cell phones.
The wild nature appears in all its magnitude.
The park has a biodiversity rich in birds, shrubs and quebrachos, it has the anteater and the white-collar quimile pig as protagonists.
The emblematic animal of the park (and the one we see reflected in the entrance sign) is the quilted pig.

The white-collar quimile pig is the emblematic animal of the Copo National Park and is also called Taguá and the lone wild boar or Chaco peccary, among others.

The fauna in the Copo National Park.

The fauna that houses the Copo National Park is very valuable both for the number of species and for their conservation status, since many of them are threatened, one in critical condition and others are in very few national protected areas.
There are many examples of fauna that we have seen in our tour and that we have also found in other parks such as the woodpecker, hawks. hawks, pigeons, hornero, etc.
The cockerel cock is a kind of forest, where it prefers arid shrubs and hills.
The musician thrush receives this name because when they perch in the trees they all sing together, with sounds of different notes, resembling an orchestra rehearsal.
Another very beautiful bird is the little fire flame. It has a striking bright red semi-hidden pompadour, and a reddish chest and belly, darkening on the head.
A very special mention in terms of fauna is deserved by the tatú carreta (or tatú guazú in guaraní), an endangered species.

Other specimens are the corzuela or brown corzuela, the collar or choker peccary, the lipped or majano peccary and the mataco, majano or ball tattoo.
Among the felines are the Moorish or yaguarundí cat, the common wild cat and the puma.
There are also pampa foxes and wild foxes (Cerdocyon thousands).

An absolutely unexplored national park.

Touring the Copo National Park is a challenge for nature lovers.
Located in the area known as ‘el impenetrable santiagueño’, it is one of the lands least explored by man.
Another important exponent of the Copo National Park is the *quebracho colorado.
It is their last refuge. As a result of indiscriminate deforestation in the Chaco, its natural habitat has ended up taking refuge in this corner of the Santiago del Estero province.
However, the Santiago red quebracho is still the emblematic tree of the Chaco ecoregion, which predominates in the Copo mountains.
Its magnificent specimens, large in size and straight trunk, have a very hard and heavy wood, which was traditionally used to make railway sleepers and extract tannins with which leather is tanned, in addition to being used to make posts and coal.
The best time to visit the PN Copo is between April and November; during the summer temperatures are usually too high and the rains can make access difficult.

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